Apr 26, 2022 | Information, Loans, News
The Bank of England (BoE) base rate rose to 0.75% in March in response to Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rising to 5.5% – almost triple the BoE’s target of 2%. Inflation is set to continue rising throughout the year with the Russian invasion of Ukraine...
Apr 19, 2022 | Expenses, FAQ, Information, Misc, Tax
Married Couple’s Allowance can be transferred between spouses and civil partners, and while 2m couples have claimed this since it was introduced back in 2015, there are many more people who are entitled to claim it.Go back four years The allowance, which is worth up...
Apr 12, 2022 | Business Start Ups, Expenses, FAQ, Information, Tax
A tax charge may arise if an employee is able to use a company car or van for private use. A further charge will arise if you provide the fuel for any private use. The taxable amounts that will apply for 2022/23 have now been announced. Company cars Where an employee...
Apr 3, 2022 | Information, Misc
National Stress Awareness Month 2022 In the spirit of National Stress Awareness Month, here are our top 4 tips for helping you manage stress. Learn to breathe It sounds silly but there are many great apps and videos out there that can teach you to control your...