Jul 24, 2023 | Information, News, PAYE, Self-Assessment
The threshold for people taxed through PAYE who are required to file a self-assessment return has increased from £100,000 to £150,000. Those affected should be contacted by HMRC if they need to change anything. That said, there have been times in the past where HMRC...
Jul 17, 2023 | Business Start Ups, Expenses, FAQ, Information, News, Self-Assessment, Tax
HMRC is changing the way sole traders and partnerships need to calculate profits for their self-assessment returns. The Revenue will require the profits to be declared for the tax year in question, rather than the accounting year as is currently the case. Any sole...
Feb 13, 2023 | FAQ, Information, News, Self-Assessment, Tax, Tips
The taxman has been busy this month – no surprise given it is the time when self-assessment returns need to be filed. But anyone who misses the deadline of January 31 faces a new set of interest rates for penalties that were only published on December 20 last year....
Jan 9, 2023 | Business Start Ups, Information, News, Self-Assessment, Tax
Yes, here we are again, the Christmas tradition of dealing with your self-assessment tax return is back for another year, and you need to get everything sorted as soon as you can. The final deadline for filing your self-assessment is January 31, 2023, for the...
Dec 7, 2022 | Business Start Ups, Information, News, Tax
It’s that time of year again – the shops are playing Christmas music, there are Christmas films starting to appear on the TV, and for many of us, there is a tax deadline looming, whether that is personal or for our business. This is the busiest time of year for...