Jun 27, 2022 | Business Start Ups, Expenses, FAQ, Information, Making Tax Digital, Misc, News, Tax, Tips
If you are unlucky enough to be fined for a late filing, then the way in which any appeal can be made changed as of May 7. Prior to this, HMRC had temporarily reintroduced the ability to bulk appeal late filing penalties for income tax in 2020 and 2021. But from now...
Jun 20, 2022 | Business Start Ups, FAQ, Information, Misc, Tips
Putting aside the tax money due each time you have an invoice paid is sensible planning, but is that money working as hard for you as it could be? Many current accounts are paying no interest whatsoever, and when it comes to savings accounts, you would still be...
Jun 13, 2022 | Business Start Ups, Tax
There is a tendency for many of us to leave our tax returns until the last minute. It’s human nature to want to delay dealing with something we find uncomfortable. However, if you get your tax return for the 2021/22 tax year completed sooner rather than later, you...
Jun 9, 2022 | Business Start Ups, News, Tax
Some taxpayers must pay a tax more than once a year, and if this is you then you are facing a second tax bill before July 31. Those exempt from making a payment on account in July include those who had a self-assessment tax bill of less than £1,000 for the previous...
Jun 6, 2022 | Business Start Ups
Unincorporated businesses – including sole traders, trusts and those businesses working as partnerships, and anyone else that pays tax on trading income – face a major change that will affect the way and the time they are taxed on their profits. The so-called Basis...